The Customer Detail report will deliver an overview of customer accounts at your facility. It includes the information for your guests, as well as their dependents.
Table of Contents
Search Criteria
You are able to define the search criteria before running the report. This report contains many ways for you to narrow down the results of your search:
Customer Type
Choose whether or not to search for customers with orders.
- Customers with Orders: Display customer accounts that are associated with one or multiple orders.
- Customers without Orders: Display customer accounts not associated with any order.
An account may not be associated with an order if, for example, it was created when a party attendee signed a liability waiver, but a party has never been booked in that guest's name.
Start Date
If searching for customers with orders, you can set how far back you would like the report to search for orders associated with your customer's accounts. Please note that it may take longer to complete a search for a large date range.
End Date
If searching for customers with orders, you can set the end of the date range for this report's search.
Date Type
If searching for customers with orders, you can choose whether you would like this report to search for orders associated with your customer's accounts by order date or by party date.
- Order Date: Search for customer accounts by the date that a party order was created in their name.
- Party Date: Search for customer accounts by the date that a party in their name took place, or will take place in the future. Keep in mind that Point of Sale orders and Online Store orders do not have a party date, so those orders will be ignored when searching by party date.
Age Range
Search for a particular age group. Filtering by age will apply to both your guests and their dependents, For example, If a customer is thirty and their dependent is five, searching for age five will display the account. Searching for age thirty will also display the account.
Birth Months
If you leave these boxes unchecked, the report will return results for customers who's birthdays fall in any month. Checking specific months will return results for customers who have a birthday in the months checked. There is also an option to include customer accounts with no birthdate set in Party Center Software. Searching by birthdate applies to guests, as well as their dependents.
Only Show Customers with Dependents
As the name implies, checking this box will only return results for customers accounts that have at least one dependent.
Columns Overview
After running your report, you will see results similar to these:
Customer Name
This column contains the name of the primary account holder. Some accounts may contain more than one dependent. In this case, you will see the primary account holder's name appear on multiple rows, one for each dependent:
Last Order Date and Last Party Date
These columns display the last time an order was booked in this customer's name and the last party that took place in this customers name, respectively:
Customer Age, Birthdate and Gender
If you collect this information at your facility, these columns will display the primary account holder's age, birthdate, and gender:
Note: You can change the information you require from your guests at any time through Admin > Required Customer Fields.
Customer Waiver Date and Waiver Status
If you use our liability waiver system, these columns will display the date the guest signed a waiver and the status of their most recently signed waiver:
Dependent Name
This column contains the name (or names) of the dependents under the customer account. Multiple dependents may be associated with one primary customer:
Dependent Age, Birthdate and Gender
If you collect this information at your facility, these columns will display the account dependent's age, birthdate, and gender:
Dependent Waiver Date and Waiver Status
If you use our liability waiver system, these columns will display the date this dependent was signed for by the primary account holder, as well as the status of the most recent waiver signed in the dependent's name. Note that the primary account holder may have signed for multiple dependents at different times:
Address 1 and 2, City, State, Zip, Phone, and Email
If you collect address, phone, or email information from your guests, that information will display here. This information applies to primary account holders as well as dependents, so you will see multiple rows with the same information if there are multiple dependents under the same account:
Do Not Solicit
Customer accounts can be marked as Do Not Solicit, meaning that they do not want to receive unsolicited emails or phone calls. This would apply to, for example, marketing emails. This would not include invoices or confirmation emails, etc. The customer is prompted to make this choice upon account creation. This column will display the current Do Not Solicit status of the account:
Certain guests may be legally exempt from paying tax, such as churches or charity organizations. This flag can be set on each customer account, and this column will display the current Tax Exempt status of the account:
Facility Name
This column contains the name of your facility:
Exporting Report Results
Each report can be exported to several different file types.
Click on the export drop-down to select a file type:
Click on the file type to which you wish to export to download your report results in that format.
Please be aware that reports containing large amounts of data can take longer to export.
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