Party Center Software’s Orders by Product Report is an analytical report that allows you to search your Products and the associated Orders on which they were purchased. Below we will explain how to use and get the most out of the Orders by Product Report. To access the Orders by Product Report, select the Reports tab in the navigation bar and select Orders by Product from the Reports column at the left of the screen.
Note: The term “Products” in Party Center Software is an umbrella term that can be used when referring to Items, Parties, Coupons, Item Packages, Prepaid, and Party Packages.
The Orders by Product Report can be used to:
- Find quantities sold for a specific Product
- Identify Orders that contain a specific Product
- Identify Customers who booked a Party within a specified date range
Search Criteria
Above we see the default search criteria used when running the report. A description of each search criteria is listed below:
- Start/End Date - Select a specified date range for your report.
- Date Type - Party Orders (In House or Online) have two associated dates. The date an order is booked, and the date the party is held. We have the option to search by either date type when searching the date range.
- Order Types
- In House Party - These are parties that are booked by your staff when the customer is either in your facility or booking over the phone.
- Point of Sale - Any transactions that are processed in your POS generate a Point of Sale Order (Point of Sale orders do not have a party date).
- Online Party - Any Party booked online by a customer
- Online Store - This is only applicable if you have the Online Store in your Party Center Software subscription. Each time a customer makes a purchase, an Online Store Order is created.
- Order Status
- Open - Any Order that has a current balance due, or has been paid in full but not yet closed.
- Cancelled - Any Orders that you actively mark as Cancelled.
- Closed - Orders that do not have a remaining balance and have been marked as Closed
- Quotes - Customers who have not committed to a Party and want to know the pricing
- Pending Review - When a customer books an Online Party, it shows up as Pending Review. This is to ensure we do a quality check on the customer’s order before they arrive for their Party.
Note: the following categories do not appear by default and must be shown by clicking the plus icon on the left.
- Filter by Product - Use this filter to search only for specified Products
- Filter by Product Category - Narrow results to only show for specific categories
- Filter by User - Filter for Orders created by specified Users
Reading Your Report
Once your report is generated, it will display as shown above. At the top of the report, there is a summary of your search criteria under the Orders by Product text. At the top right of the report, there is a Find/Search bar that allows you to search the report for specific text or values. The top left of the report contains an export drop-down box that allows you to export in Excel or CSV formats.
The report is then organized by the Order Type column (In-House Party shown above). Each Product on an Order of the Order Type is then listed in the Product column. The remaining columns display the information specified in your search criteria.
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