MerchantTrack is the online payment portal used to access transactions made with Party Center Pay. Any time you're curious about whether a transaction went through or not, what fees you have paid, or if you have received your money, MerchantTrack will have the answer for you. If you were interested in financial reports or need details on a specific transaction, the details will be found here.
Click here to go to the MerchantTrack login page!
Accessing MerchantTrack
When you were approved for Party Center Pay, you received a welcome email with a link and log-in credentials to get started. That will enable a quick link in PCS to access MerchantTrack with your PCS user! Otherwise, those credentials will get you into MerchantTrack, where you will be immediately prompted to change your password. You'll want to save that username and password, as well as the link for later use. If you're ever locked out of MerchantTrack, you can always reset your password or contact support for assistance.
If the welcome email wasn't sent to you, then you'll need to contact the individual who received the credentials. They'll be able to set you up with another account or share the login information with you.
The Dashboard provides you with a quick glance at your facility's recent activity. You can look at recent transactions, recent funding, and get a quick graph of daily sales volumes. This is the first screen you'll see when logging into MerchantTrack and is a good way to get some information at a glance.
Transaction Search
Whenever you need to find a specific transaction, or maybe a set of transactions, you'll do so from this tab. This is where you can confirm a refund for a guest went through, or find out why a guest's payment failed. There are a variety of options for creating filters for limiting your search. Any credit/debit transaction that is made over Party Center Pay will appear on this list- failed transactions will also appear here as well (Provided the transaction reaches the credit processing step before failing). For more information on searching for transactions, you can visit this article.
Virtual Terminal
The Virtual Terminal allows you to take payments outside of Party Center Software. In the case that you aren't able to access PCS for whatever reason- maybe the system is down, there's a power outage, or the register isn't working- you can still access the virtual terminal and take payments there. For more information on using the virtual terminal, you can refer to this article.
Here, you can access various reports from within MerchantTrack.
- Funding Reports-Funding reports are used for tracking whether money has been sent to your bank account, what transaction made up that deposit, and what fees were taken out of that deposit. Your bank account deposits will match up 1 to 1 with funding ID's in Merchanttrack.
- Chargeback Reports-When you get a chargeback with Party Center Pay, you will get an email from Fullsteam, the company powering Party Center Pay, with details about that particular transaction. You can also use these chargeback reports to view all of your chargebacks over a given date range.
- Merchant Statement- After five days into the month, you will be able to access the previous month's merchant statement, which will provide a breakdown of all funding activity that occurred during the month.
- Merchant Deposit Statement: This provides the same data as the Merchant Statement in a more digestible format for data collection.
You can click here to access or more detailed article about MerchantTrack Reports!
User Management
The final section of MerchantTrack allows users to create other users and assign them permissions. This page goes into detail about how to create and manage users for your facility. If you want to grant others access to MerchantTrack without giving them your login credentials, then this is the best way to do so.