The Party Center Pay MOTO (Mail Order/Telephone Order) payment method is for manually entering in a customers credit card number to be able to process a transaction when the card is not present, such as a customer calling over the phone, or if there are no EMV devices (Chip Readers) to perform a transaction in person more easily.
The Party Center Pay MOTO method will be under the Card tab. If you do not have the Party Center Pay EMV method active, you will only have to select Card. Otherwise, you will choose between Party Center Pay MOTO and Party Center Pay EMV tabs underneath Card.
There, you can enter whether the payment if is a regular payment or a deposit and the amount of the payment. You then will enter the name on the card, the ZIP for the card, and any notes for the transaction.
After you click submit, a window will appear that will prompt you to enter the remaining info for the card.
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