Facebook allows each business page to add a “call-to-action” button. This button lives at the top of your page, next to your facility name, and links to wherever you want the customer to go.
Although it might be tempting to add a simple button that says “Learn More” and links to your website, this isn’t always an effective strategy.
“Learn More” isn’t enticing to click on, since the customer learns most of everything they need to learn about your facility from your Facebook page alone. If they do click and get redirected to your website, they'll simply browse through and quickly click away, since the only “call-to-action” for them was to visit your website.
To add a CTA, first navigate to your Facebook page. Simply click on “Add a Button” near the top of the page and select the option you want. You'll need to add your link, click “Next” and “Finish” for it to go live.
To get the link to your Online Booking Site, go to the "Online Booking Settings" page in PCS. The first field should be "Hosted Domain", with a link to your online booking site.