Personalizing your online booking module is a great way to make the transition from your main site to the online booking site seamless. You want your guests to move through the process naturally, and receive the necessary information during the booking process. This page allows you to customize several settings to solidify that experience.
Online Booking Settings
- Hosted Domain link: (This is the link to your Online Booking Module - the site your customers will use to book an event online). Once you have updated all settings on this page, you can click on this link to see how your modifications will appear to the customer.
- Online Booking Theme: Choose from several free themes for your OBM site. A custom theme can be created for you; click here to learn more about custom themes.
- Number Of Party Times Displayed In Online Booking: This is the number of time slots that will appear to your customer once they select an event. If the number is four, then the closest four times will be shown to the customer.
- Disable Available Parties Dropdown: This disables the "Select from All Available Packages" dropdown menu. All packages will be selected by default. If you'd like to remove this bar entirely, that can be done by contacting PCS support.
- Pre-Order Violation Text: This is the message your customers will see if they choose an event either within the specified Minimum Pre-Order Time or outside of the specified Maximum Pre-Order Time set on an Event.
- Checkout Privacy Policy: This policy will appear on the confirmation page of the Online Booking Module.
- Checkout Cancellation Policy: This policy will also appear on the confirmation page of the Online Booking Module.
- Popup Message Displayed While Searching/Loading: This is the message the user sees while waiting for event search results.
- No Party Available Message: This message displays when no events are found for the selected date. Leave blank to show the default message.
- Email Invoice Confirmation To Customer: If this box is unchecked, the customer will not be sent a confirmation of their reservation.
- Display Invoice On Booking Confirmation Page: If this box is unchecked, the customer will not see a confirmation of their reservation on the screen.
- Notify Email Addresses: Enter the email address where you wish to receive a confirmation when a customer reserves an event online. You can enter multiple email addresses, be sure to separate with a semi-colon.
- Please check BCC all internal emails (invoices) to these addresses if you wish to have all internal emails sent from the software copied to the addresses listed in the Notify and Cancellation sections.
- Cancellation Email Addresses: Enter the email address where you wish to receive a confirmation when a customer does not complete an order or if the system auto-cancels an order to the time-out feature. You can enter multiple email addresses, be sure to separate with a semi-colon.
- Google Analytics Number: Enter your Google Analytics account number here so Google can track the statistics for your online booking, online store, and online waivers sites.
- Google Ad Services: Enter Google Ad account info here.
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