Table of Contents
The largest aspect of the Customer and In House Booking 2.0 update is the overhaul given to the customers page. Customer profiles are now presented in a much more user friendly system, and creating them is simpler as well. There are new options for managing these profiles, searching for them, sorting them, and using them to book parties. This article will go over the new features included in this update, and show you how to get started with the new system!
Before you begin, you'll want to make sure the Customers 2.0 system is enabled! This will activate the new page for you; all previous customer profiles will be shared between the two systems, so you won't need to worry about losing any data when switching over.
Searching and Filtering
To start, let's explore the search and filter options within this page, so you can easily find your customer profiles quickly.
The search bar at the top of the page allows you to search by customer name, email address, phone number, or custom ID. You can manually type this information into the bar; if you have a scanner, you can scan a barcode or QR code to quickly search for the custom ID (The ID must be set when the customer profile is created). Search results are returned in the order of the profile creation; the most recently created customer profile will appear at the top of the list.
At the left side of the screen are a multitude of filter options to customize your search.
- Party Date Range: Selecting this opens a calendar, and let's you modify your search to find customers who booked a party during the specified date range.
- Waiver Status: If waivers are enabled for your PCS subscription, you can search for specific statuses. There are four types to search for:
- None: This will return customer profiles that do not have waivers associated with them.
- Unconfirmed: Customers that have signed a waiver but have not had it manually validated by your staff will show this icon:
- Confirmed: Customer waivers that have been validated will have the following icon: This indicates that the waiver has either been reviewed by your staff, or the automatic validation setting has been turned on.
- Expired: If a waiver has expired, this icon will be shown: New waivers can be signed directly from the customer's profile.
- Profile Status: Each customer profile has an active toggle that determines whether their profile is active or not. Inactive profiles are hidden by default, but can be searched for if the filter is applied.
- Profile Type: Each of the profile types can be searched for.
- Customer: A customer is someone making a purchase through the system. Anyone booking online will have a customer profile created for them. These profile types can be a part of an organization, or be associated with a dependent. They cannot be associated with other customer types. Online Booking orders require a customer to be assigned to the order. POS orders not require a customer, but one can be assigned.
- Dependent: Dependents are associated with customer types, usually created as a guest of honor, or when a waiver is signed. They can be associated with all profile types, but must be associated with at least one customer profile.
- Organization: Organizations are groups of customers, such as corporate groups or kid clubs. Customers and dependents can be associated with organizations.
- Labels: These are tags you can create and assign to certain customers. Click here to learn more about creating and using labels.
You can reset the applied filters by clicking the three dots next to filter options.
Clicking "Share Search Results" creates a link to the current customers page that can be shared as needed.
Expanded View
When viewing the list of customers, you can click the "Expanded View" toggle to display more information about the customers the search is returning. This will easily show their birthday, gender, email, phone number, revenue collected from them, and dependents.
Adding Customers
To add a new customer, start by clicking the "Add Profile" button at the top of the page.
This will open the Add New Customer tab. You have the option of adding a customer photo to personalize their profile. This can be uploaded from your computer, or if your computer has a webcam, you can select "Take Photo" to instantly take and add a picture. The photo is optional for the customer profile.
You'll then be prompted to enter in the personal information for the customer. This includes their name, email, gender, birthday, phone number, and referral source. Whether these fields are required or not can be changed from the Required Customer Fields section of PCS. Click here to learn more about this page, so you can choose what information is necessary for your customer profiles.
If an address is required for a customer profile (or optional), you will be able to enter it in by scrolling past the personal information section.
The additional information section holds the custom ID for a customer, as well as their tax exempt and do not solicit statuses. The custom ID must be assigned manually, but can be used as a means of searching for a customer afterwards.
Once you have entered in the required information, click "Create Customer" to finish adding the customer.
The Customer Profile
Once you either click on a customer profile from the search page or create a new one, you'll be taken to the customer's profile. Here, you will have access to the customer's information, activity, notes, loyalty, associations, and waivers.
Information: The profile information can be seen in the left column of the profile page. All of the data entered in the profile creation section is here, as well as labels and the active toggle. To edit this information, you can click on three dots next to "Profile".
Selecting "Edit" allows you to change the information stored in the profile. Clicking "Share Profile" creates a link to this customer's profile page.
You can also manage labels by scrolling down in this menu. Click here to learn more about using labels.
Activity: Any changes to a customer, or any orders made by the customer will be reflected in the activity section of their profile. Customers booking online will have their orders shown here, and if a POS order is made with their profile, then it will also display here. This article explains more about using customer profiles with POS orders. Waiver activity will also show up in the activity section.
By selecting the "Date" in the top right, you can filter by more recent activity entries if you wish.
Notes: This section of the profile lets anyone add notes to the customer profile. The system will save the note, and whoever wrote it. For security reasons, the system will not save notes if it believes a credit card number may be part of the note.
Notes can be edited by clicking the three dots on the note. This will allow you to either edit or delete the note.
Loyalty: The loyalty section of the customer profile hosts their order history. Party and POS orders will show here, with information about when they were made, what items were purchased, and the revenue of the order. It will also link to the order so you can easily navigate to the order in question.
Waiver: The customer's waiver history is shown here. It will show when the waiver was signed, when it expires, and how many dependents are connected to the waiver.
Clicking the magnifying glass will pull up the waiver for you to view, and you can click the print button to print a physical copy. You can also sign waivers directly from the customer page by clicking "Sign New". This will pull up the waiver in an easy fashion for guests to sign. It will ask for their information, as long as any questions tied to the waiver.
Associations: Dependents and organizations can be assigned to a customer profile by clicking "Add New" in the associations box. You can remove associations by clicking the "X" next to their names.
When you click "Add New", you will have the option of searching for an existing dependent/organization, or creating a new one. Clicking "Create" will prompt you to enter in the required information for the association. This is similar to the customer creation process, and the information required is determined by the "Required Customer Fields" section.
If you are looking for the legacy Customer Article, click here!
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