Before you do anything with your M-S Cash Drawer, note the 4 dip switches on the bottom of the unit. The first 3 set the "Device ID", and the fourth switch sets the open/closed status. In order for the OPOS utility M-S provides to work with the unit, the Device ID must be 1. Move all switches UP, as this is typically correct for switch #4 as well.
Install M-S USB HID Interface First
You'll probably get an error message about the program not being able to access a certain folder for installation. If you do, hit "Ok" and select any folder you have access to so that the installer can extract.
The application will install under All Programs as M-S Cash Drawer > M-S Cash Drawer Controller. If dip switches 1-3 are all in the 0 (up) position, the unit should be Drawer #1. Reconnect the unit, open the application and verify it says "USB Device Connected". If it doesn't see the device, double check the switches and restart the computer.
If it says the drawer is OPEN when it is CLOSED, or vice versa, close the utility and change the position of dip switch #4.
Install M-S USB OPOS Second
The installation process is going to be the same as above, including the same method of dealing with the aforementioned error message. When it installs, it will be under All Programs as M-S OPOS > OPOS TEST.
In the drop down menu below the Open button, select OPOSTest. Next, verify the unit is working by hitting the following sequence of buttons:
- Open
- Claim
- Enable
- OpenDrawer
If it does not open, try the following basic steps:
- Disconnect the drawer
- Shut down the computer
- Reconnect the drawer
- Start the computer
It will create a device called OPOSTest. Select this as your cash drawer in POS Terminal.
If the unit stops working after a Windows Update, uninstall both utilities from Programs & Features in Control Panel, then start at the top of this document.