A Point of Sale order is not initially created when you open the Point of Sale.
To start an order, you must ring up a product or add a customer.
To ring up a product, simply click on a product button.
To add a customer to an order, click on the Add Customer button.
Customer accounts may be modified from within the Point of Sale. While choosing a customer, you may click on the customer's name to open their account and make changes, sign a waiver, etc.
Only customer accounts can be added to Point of Sale orders at this time. Dependents and organizations cannot.
Once your order contains a product, you can click on the number next to a product that has been rung up to modify quantity.
The Balance Due section may be expanded, but it is collapsed by default. You can see a breakdown of the price and taxes from here. This is also how you can add a tip to the order.
Order Status and Tax Exempt
There are three different statuses for Point of Sale orders; Open, Closed, and Cancelled. When viewing an order, the order number will change color depending on the status.
Open orders will appear green.
Closed orders will appear dark blue.
Cancelled orders will appear red.
Click on the order number to change its status.
- Open: When a new order is created, it is in open status by default. Orders that are closed or cancelled may always be reopened.
- Closed: When an order's balance has been paid in full and all gift cards purchased through the order have been issued, the order will automatically be closed. Orders that have been reopened may be closed again as long as the balance due is zero. If you reopen a closed order and modify the balance due (e.g. apply a discount, modify the product quantity, etc.), you will need to take actions to return the balance due to zero before closing the order again.
- Cancelled: An order may be cancelled as long as no payments have been made on the order and it has not been used to issue any gift cards.
You may change an order to tax exempt by clicking on the order number and setting the Tax Exempt toggle to on.
This action is permanent and cannot be undone once an order is set to be tax exempt.
Product Discounts and Notes
Click on product that you have added to the order to pull up the discount and note menu.
The menu will display the Discounts section first.
If the product you have clicked on is not set to be discountable, you will only have access to add notes to the product that you have rung up. This is set at the product level itself and can be changed through Admin > Product Management > Products.
Click on any discount that you have created at your facility through Admin > Product Management > Discounts and click Apply to add it to product you have selected.
NOTE: You may add only one discount to an item.
To apply a note to the product, select Notes. You may choose whether or not the note appears on receipts that are printed for the order.
When you are done, click Save.
Order Discounts
Order discounts are similar to product discounts but are set at the order level and not applied to any specific product. To apply a discount at the order level, click on the Discount button.
Click on any discount that you have created at your facility through Admin > Product Management > Discounts.
Click Apply to add it to the Point of Sale order.
NOTE: Order discounts are always calculated after taxes.
Making a Payment
When you are ready for payment, click the Pay button.
The payment methods available can be configured from Admin > Account Setting > Payment Acceptance. The new Point of Sale only supports PC Pay credit card and gift card processing.
Please reach out to our support team if you need assistance with payment methods.
The Pay button will pull up all available payment methods. The are organized by type. The payment methods at your facility may vary.
All credit, debit and gift card options are available in the Card section.
- Chip Reader: This sends the payment to be completed on a chip reader. This must be configured ahead of time through Admin > Facility > Hardware Settings.
- Swiped: This allows you to swipe a credit card for payment. PC Pay card swipers require a special encryption and may be purchased from Party Center Software.
- Manual Entry: You may choose this option if you wish to manually enter credit card information.
- Gift: You may choose this option to charge the amount to a PC Pay gift card.
- Record Only: Both credit and debit methods only record that a payment occurred. They do not charge anything themselves. Only use these methods if you are processing cards externally. And wish to make record of it in Party Center Software.
The Cash section is exclusively for cash payments.
The Check section is exclusively for cash payments.
Click Process when you are ready to complete the payment.
You will be presented with two options for receipt printing when the payment is complete. If you have a receipt printer configured, you may use it to print by selecting Print Receipt. Receipt printers must be configured through Admin > Facility > Hardware Settings and Hardware Link must be setup and configured on the computer you are using.
Click here to read more about Hardware Link.
Choosing No Receipt skips receipt printing and closes the order.
Payment History and Manual Receipt Printing
When a payment has been completed, it may be viewed by clicking the History button.
Payment details may be expanded.
Refunded payments will also show in payment history.
Payment history is always organized so that the most recent payments are at the top.
You may print a receipt manually at any time by clicking the Receipt button.
You will have the option to print the receipt with a receipt printer if one is configured through Admin > Facility > Hardware Settings. If there is no receipt printer configured, you may print the receipt with any computer printer or save it as a file by clicking the Save button.
An order must be in open status and contain at least one payment in order for you to perform a refund.
Click the Refund button to begin.
You cannot issue a refund for a greater amount than the sum of the payments on the order.
You have two options when issuing a refund; you may refund a custom amount or refund a specific product.
Custom Amount
Choose Custom Amount if you wish to process a refund without affecting the products on the order.
This is useful for partial refunds.
Enter the amount you wish to refund and click Next.
You must then select a transaction to cover the refund amount. If you choose a credit transaction, the refund amount will be deducted. When you are done, click Process.
Refund by Products
You may also refund individual products that were sold on the order.
Simply check the products and set the quantity you wish to refund.
When you are done selecting products, click Next.
You may the select the transactions you wish to use to cover the refund amount. When you are finished, click Process.
When refunding by product, the order will automatically deduct the products selected during the refund process. In the example above, we originally purchased three pizzas. We then refunded two. You will see that reflected on the order.
You don't need to take any further actions to balance an order when refunding by product, and the order may be closed at any time after the refund is complete.
Applying a Credit Tip
You may adjust a credit transaction to apply a credit tip as long as it was not run as debit and as long as it was not previously used to add a tip. If a tip was manually added by the customer through a chip reader, the transaction will not be able to be adjusted.
Orders must be in open status to apply a credit tip.
Click Credit Tip to choose a transaction for adjustment.
Enter a tip amount, select a credit transaction, and click Add Tip to make the tip adjustment.
When you are done, the tip will automatically be set to the credit tip amount. You will not need to take any further actions to balance the order.
If a tip amount was previously set for the order, the credit tip amount will be added to it.