The integration between Party Center Software and Intercard allows you to perform basic functions using Intercard cards, such as sell, pay, reload, refund, and balance check.
To enable the integration, you must:
1. Contact your Intercard sales rep and ask to have the "Enhanced 3rd Party Interface" enabled.
2. Contact Intercard support to make sure the Enhanced 3rd Party Interface has been correctly setup for the integration. They need to whitelist the PCS production IPs (they have the list) for your Intercard instance. You should also ask them for "The internal LAN IP address of your Intercard instance" in case you need to update your local firewall settings.
3. Send PCS your public IP address. The PCS Support team will input this IP into the "Transaction Server IP" address in the credentials of the system for the Intercard integration. Please note that only PCS Support team has access to add this IP to the correct spot in the system. The PCS team will then perform a balance check test to see if the integration works. If it doesn't work, you will likely need to perform the next step to allow the communication through your local firewall.
4. Update your local firewall setting to allow the PCS production IPs to send data over port 3044. This step isn't required if you don't manage a firewall for your facility.
PCS Production IPs List
Creating a Prepaid Intercard Product
To start selling Intercard products using Party Center Software, you must first create a prepaid Intercard product.
Navigate to Admin > Products > Add Product and select Prepaid under Advanced Products.
After selecting Prepaid from the main product list, set the radial button to Intercard / Yes to display the optional Cash Bonus and Token Bonus fields.
You may then enter an amount in the Value field. This will determine the cost of the card and how much Cash Value is loaded onto the card when it's activated.
Selling, Activating, and Reloading Prepaid Intercard Cards
If a valid Intercard prepaid product has been added to the system and you've supplied the correct Intercard API credentials to our support team, you can start selling Intercard cards in PCS.
The process of activating, adding funds, or reloading funds onto an Intercard card is exactly the same process for all scenarios. Simply enter the Intercard card number during the selling process to add the funds to that card. Note that you cannot add funds to an Intercard card unless the balance on the order has been paid. Once the balance has been paid the option to load the card will be available.
2.0 Point of Sale
Once Load has been clicked, the funds will be added to the Intercard card.
Party Orders
Once the order balance has been paid, you can select the Load now option which allows you to enter the Intercard card number and add funds to the card.
After selecting Load now, you will see the Issue Account screen. Enter the Intercard card number into the Card Number field, then click Submit.
Note: the reload process is exactly the same if the card number was previously activated.
Paying with an Intercard Card
You may use a Intercard card number to make payments on orders. Only the Cash Value can be used for payments in PCS. The cash bonus and token bonus cannot be used for payments.
2.0 Point of Sale
After a successful payment using an Intercard card, you will land on the Payment Complete screen in the 2.0 Point of Sale. Note that Intercard cards can be used for partial payments, meaning you can use the remaining Cash Value on a card even if the value cannot pay for the entire order.
Party Orders
The payment history section will display the transaction.
Issuing Refunds or Performing a Void
You can perform refunds against the Cash Value on an Intercard card. It's important to note that the Cash Bonus or Token Bonus amounts cannot be refunded in PCS, only the Cash Value, since it's the only value that can be used to make purchases in PCS.
The 2.0 Point of Sale will automatically detect if a Void or Refund action is required, while you will need to individually select the Void or Refund option for classic orders.
2.0 Point of Sale
When issuing a refund in the 2.0 POS, you may select the original Intercard card number that was used for the transaction. The card will automatically appear in the transaction section during the refund workflow.
Once a refund is processed you can review the Payment History to see both the original transaction and the refund.
Party Order - Void
For classic orders, you may either issue a Refund or a Void depending on where you initiate the process. Clicking on the payment ID will give you the option to void the transaction. It's important to note that a void can only be performed if the transaction hasn't been batched.
After clicking on the transaction ID, you will see the Payment Details screen. Click on the Void option and proceed to the next step to submit the void request.
Party Order - Refund
The refund process is initiated through the payments tab on the order. Select the Prepaid tab and then the subsequent Intercard tab. Note that our support team will title this tab Intercard unless you request otherwise. Once you have the Intercard tab selected, be sure to change the drop-down to Refund, enter the amount you want to refund into the Amount field.
Enter the correct Intercard card number before clicking Submit.
Performing a Balance Check
You can perform a balance check for Intercard cards through the 2.0 Point of Sale or through classic orders. The balance check will retrieve the current balance along with other useful information.
2.0 Point of Sale - Balance Check
After selecting the balance check icon, the balance check window will open.
Party Order - Balance Check
Payment Acceptance - Manage
If you have access to the Payment Acceptance page, you can also perform a balance check on that page which will also return card history details.
After selecting Manage on the Intercard payment module, you can perform a balance check and view card history. The card history will show orders where the card was used as a form of payment or where a refund was issued.