Adding User Security
From the ADMIN screen:
1. Under Facility select User Groups
If you would like to edit an existing group select the group by clicking on the name. Otherwise, select ADD USER GROUP from the upper right
Input a group name and select CREATE GROUP
Here is where you will edit the permissions that you will allow for this group. Refer to the descriptions below for the clarification on what will be affected when this is checked or left blank.
- Closeout - This is the same information that will appear on the closeout report. This allows the user group to download this report in .csv format onto your computer.
- Closeout Summary- This allows the user group to run and download the closeout summary report. This report shows summaries of order totals based on where the order was placed: Events, Point of Sale, Online Booking, or Online Store.
- Customer List - This will allow the user group to download all of the customers and their information in .csv format to your computer.
Online Booking (Requires subscription to online booking)
- Site Manager - Manage any options associated with online booking. Setting Display text, emails, additional products, etc.
Online Store Front (Requires subscription to online store front)
- Site Manager - Manage any options associated with the online store front.
Online Store Orders
- View Online Store Orders- Allows the user to view all orders placed through the online store.
Orders- General
Apply Premade Discount- User group is able to utilize existing discounts in the software.
Can Cancel Orders - User group will be able to cancel already open orders
Change Product Price - Ability to change the cost of an item, event, package, or order from the POS or Event Invoice -If a user group does not have this permission enabled, they will not be allowed to change the price of an item. The manager override button will appear on orders when the user group doesn't have this permission giving an Admin user the ability to override the item price
Contact Log Editor - Allows the user group to edit the notes or delete entries in the contact log in an invoice
Manage Discount- User can create, edit, and delete discounts
Payments - Live Payment Processor- User group will be able to process payments from the POS Terminal or Party Invoice
Refund Product- Allows user group to issue partial or complete refunds from within an order
Search - Ability to search any type of order within the system from the Order Tab
Toggle Tax Exempt Status - Turn Tax ON or OFF for orders
- Unlinked Refunds -Process a refund for an unrelated transactions -Only applies to customers who have switched over to Party Center Pay, and will only function for up to 180 days from your first transaction with Party Center Pay.
Page Access
Admin- User can access Admin page
Customers- User can access Customers page
My Schedule- User can access My Schedule page
Orders- User can access Orders page
Point of Sale- User can access Point of Sale page
Reports- User can access Reports page
Schedule- User can access Schedule page
Time Clock- User can access Time Clock page
Party Orders
Assign Hosts - User group will be able to assign a host during party booking or from the customer invoice
Change Party Type - From the invoice the user group can change the type of the party (affecting the price as well)
Clear Checklist Status - On the checklist under an open invoice the user group can complete or edit the status of a checklist item
Create One Time Schedule Slot - From the schedule page the user group will be able to create a one-time event that does not have a preset time block
Delete Others' Incomplete Order - If an orders status is incomplete the user group will be able to remove it from the system
Edit Incomplete Orders- Allows the user group to edit orders that are not yet complete.
Modify One-Time Schedule- Allows the user group to modify parties booked through a one-time schedule block
Reopen Closed Orders - If an event order has been closed the user group will be able to reopen it and edit the information in the order
View Incomplete Orders- User group can view orders that are marked as incomplete
View/ Create Party Orders - User group can view and create orders in the system (Essential for in-house party booking)
- Open Cash Drawer without Sale - When No Sale is pressed in the POS screen the cash drawer will open without having to complete a sale
POS Orders
Reopen Closed Orders - The user group will be able to open closed POS orders from the order screen or search and edit the contents including cancel or remove payment
View/ Create Party Orders - User group can view and create orders in the point of sale
Customer Detail- Displays account details for customers and listed dependents
Customer Loyalty- Shows past activity and information by customer
Customers with Organizations- Displays account details for customer accounts tied to organizations
Orders by Discount or Coupon- Locate orders by specific discounts or coupons
Orders by Product- Sort orders by specific products
Party Statistics- Shows guest count and sales stats for each party
Reports- Legacy
Cash Analysis- Accrual based transaction report
Closed Store Orders Report - Displays all closed online store orders
Closeout Report - Shows all cash, check, or credit card transactions for a specific time period
Closeout Report- Single Day- Shows all cash, check, or credit transactions for a single day
Closeout Summary Report - Shows the summary of cash, credit, and credit card transactions displayed by place of purchase (online store, POS, in store)
Contact Log Report - Displays all the contact that has been made and recorded in the contact log of Event Orders
Daily Party Schedule- Shows all parties and party info within a specific date range
Employee Party Schedules - Shows parties that have been scheduled with the employee scheduled to host for a specific time period
Event Placard- Allows user group to print a placard for an event
Event Statistics- Show event stats through a given range
Event Statistics By Day- Show event stats through a given range, filtered by each specific day
Event Statistics by Month- Show event stats through a given range, filtered by month
Invoice Balance Report - Displays the balance of invoice for payments made and amounts that are due
Liability Analysis- Displays the liability costs currently associated with your facility
Order Referral Report - Displays the results for the total number of referrals per categories created
Package Analysis- Sales accrual by package
Product and Category Accrual- Shows all sales by category and product
Revenue by Month- Shows all revenue gained over a monthly period
Revenue, Events, Category (REC) Report- Shows revenue sorted by events and categories
Sales Analysis - Analyzing your sales itemized by product
Sales By Hour- POS Sales sorted by hour in which they were closed
Sales By Product (accrual)- Shows revenue collected on closed orders (deposits will show only on closed orders)
Sales by Product (cash accounting) - POS and party add-ons will be shown individually. Parties and packages will remain as 1 item not showing anything included in the original package as an additional item
Tag Set Manager- User group can edit tag sets and tags for reports
Time Cards - Time Cards reports for all users in the system for a specific time period
Tips -View a report that shows all tips collected through party orders and associated by employee
- Vendor Report - Show all Vendors
Waiver Report- View signed waiver counts
- Activity Log- User group can view the activity log
- Contact Log Type Manager -Add/Edit the categories that will be available for the contact log drop down menu
- Custom Status Manager- User group can change customer statuses
- Delete Individual Schedule Slots- User group can delete individual schedule slots
- Facility Information and Settings Manager - Update facility Information,, Preferences, Online Text Sets, Policy, etc.
- POS Manager - Create and edit the POS buttons, screens, and products
- Product Manager - Add/ Edit products, events, and checklist items
- Referral Sources Manager - Add/ Edit Referral Sources
- Required Fields Manager- User group can select which fields are mandatory during account creation
- Schedule Blocks Manager - Create one time event blocks and event schedules
- Vendor Manager - Add/Edit Vendors
- Vendor Viewer - View list of current vendors
- Corporate Users- Only specific facilities have access to this permission; allows user group to manage corporate users
- Time Card Manager - Allows the user group to edit and view time cards and notes
- User Manager - Ability to add or edit users
- Verify Waivers- Allows user group to verify waivers
- View Waivers- Allows user group to view waivers
- Waiver Manager- Allows user group to add and edit waivers
- Allow WebAPI- User group has access to the WebAPI
- WebAPI Manager- User group can edit WebAPI settings
Next Steps
After you have configured the settings you can do either of 2 options:
1. Select Save Changes to create the group
2. Scroll back to the top and assign the permissions to specific users then select Save Changes
ALL - This will assign this user to this group regardless of where they access the software.
INT - This option will give the user this group when they have logged in from a specified/ approved IP address that is set up in Facility Preferences (In most cases this is where you would assign a user more permissions)
EXT - This option gives the user this group when they login from any IP other than your preferred IP address (in most cases you will limit a user's access when they login from an external IP address.
You can also access this screen from the Users page. When you open a user or create a new user you assign them to a group
Multiple groups can be assigned to a member. Example: one for INT and one for EXT. If 2 groups are assigned for the same setting (assign user Joe to ADMIN and POS when logging in from and External IP) the higher security settings will take effect.
Static IP Address - Advanced Security
Party Center Software uses IP based security. In order to properly restrict access, you will need to set up a static IP address at your location. This can be done by calling your Internet Service Provider. You need to enter that IP address in this dialog box on the Facility Info page.
You may enter as many IP addresses as you would like, just separate them with a comma. The Allowed IP Addresses are your way of specifying that the user is logging into the system from within your physical location. If you do not specify a static IP address the user will be granted full access from anywhere they log in
The above INT and EXT settings are based on the system understanding what is an INTERNAL or approved IP address. That is one that is ONLY found within your facility. An EXT or EXTERNAL IP address is basically any address that is NOT the approved, allowed or internal IP address(es)
Restricted User Modifications
Restricted User Modification Security /Edit User Security Role
If you are assigned the USER MANAGER security role, it will only allow you to add or change settings that you yourself are assigned to. In theory, this means that when an employee is adding or modifying other employees' security roles they cannot edit or change any roles that they are not assigned, and thus cannot change someone who has greater roles than they do.
If the user who is making the changes does not have every security role that is assigned, then that user will not be able to make any changes to that group nor add or remove users from that role.